• Monday-Friday, June 19-23. Rehearsals will be from 9:30-2:30, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and from 9:30-Noon on Friday, with a matinee performance Friday afternoon at 1PM. (Apologies for the strange matinee time, but we are working around APS custodial hours.)

    Rehearsal tracks will be sent out by May 22nd. Your child is expected to come to the first rehearsal with his/her music basically memorized. We will be jumping right into choreography and staging on day 1, so they will feel much more prepared if they have the music memorized.

    All rehearsals and the performance will be held at La Cueva High School in the choir room and PAC. Children should bring a labeled water bottle, a sack-lunch and wear closed-toe shoes. Snacks will be provided, but feel free to send extra snacks if your child tends to always be hungry.

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